Thursday, May 14, 2009

Politik Wang Dipanggil Hadiah Atau Sedekah

MACHANG 13 Mei - Perebutan kuasa dalam Pas semakin ketara sehingga ada individu sanggup memberikan 'hadiah' kepada perwakilan untuk mendapat sokongan.

Perkara ini diakui oleh Ketua Dewan Ulama Pas, Datuk Mohamed Daud Iraqi yang menganggap situasi tidak sihat itu mula menular di kalangan pemimpin Pas yang inginkan kuasa.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Press Freedom in Western Terms

Much has been said about press freedom. Press freedom is the buzz phrase for western media, an excuse to label which country is 'democratic' and which is not. Dato' Najib lifted the ban on Harakah and Suara Keadilan during the first week of becoming the sixth Prime Minister of Malaysia. Young Malaysians quite often cringe about the biasness of 'mainstream media' reporting, therefore they are switching to alternative media (blogs and online news portal), to the extent that they would believe every bit of alternative media news even laced with lies. That is the extent of people's disgust of mainstream media.

Fair enough. Many colleagues have expressed disgust of the monopoly by Media Prima over major news networks, TV channels and mainstream periodicals. This might be the source of the problem why people perceive the media as the government's mouthpiece.

Fair enough. Notwithstanding their feelings, I find it somewhat convenient to procure opposition-backed papers these days although slightly more pricey than the usual Utusans and Stars. If people are tired of reading what Utusan has to say, it's not that difficult to grab the latest copy of Suara Rakyat. The market will be at equilibrium once again.

Of course, the great western countries and their brand of media are fond of labelling other countries as undemocratic because of the lack of 'press freedom'. Let's look at press freedom in Australia. Back in 1974, the Australian government filed an injunction to prohibit any newspaper to reproduce a cable sent by the Australian ambassador to Indonesia regarding 'national interests' of oil reserves in East Timor.

CNN and BBC have also been labeled biased in reporting the massacres in Palestine and Iraq, while depicting US, British and Australian soldiers to be 'liberating' the people of Iraq from dictatorship (only to be changed with another form of dictatorship - occupation). To date, the so called "War on Terror" has killed more than 100,000 Iraqi civilian and a mere 4000 American troops.

Al-Jazeera, the Qatari-based news agency was the sole news agency giving a balanced view of the second Gulf war, only to have its base in Kabul bombed by US warplanes. The Pentagon denied any intention to bomb the news agency office but could not explain the gross error despite their technological superiority in precision bombing and weapons of mass destruction.

Nevermind the fact that major news networks and periodicals are owned by powerful figures such as Rupert Murdoch (whose 170-odd publications supported the war in Iraq).

kudakepang in his blog also asserts that journalists and reporters were heavily screened by Pentagon in the interest of "national security". In 2006, Israeli troops shelled the Al-Manar media office, accusing it of having ties with the so-called "Terrorist" organization Hezbollah. Both US and Germany have banned Al-Manar.

An excerpt from Syed Akbar Ali's book "To Digress A Little" to illustrate the press freedom that Australians enjoy when dealing with "national security".

The Aussies never championed the Timorese when East Timor was a Portugese colony. But after Indonesia kicked out the Portugese colonialists from East Timor in 1975, the Aussies started to champion Timorese independence from Indonesia. Now after Timor is independent, the Aussies are stealing Timor's oil resources. The Aussie plotting to loot Timor's oil reserves has been in the works for decades. At last, they are achieving it.

In August 1974, when the Aussies realized that the Portugese colonials will be kicked out by the Indonesians, a secret cable was sent by Richard Woolcott, the Australian ambassador to Indonesia, to the Foreign Affairs department in Canberra. The cable said:

"We are all aware of the Australian defence interest in the Portugese Timor situation. But I wonder whether the department has ascertained the interest of the minister of the Department of Minerals and Energy. This department might well have an interest in closing the present gap in the agreed sea border and this could be much more readily negotiated with Indonesia, than with Portugal or independent Portugese Timor. I know I am recommending a pragmatic rather than a principled stand but that is what the national interest and foreign policy is all about. (Quoted in Aarons. The cable, sent on 17 August 1974 appears in the book Documents of Australian Defence and Foreign Policy 1968-1975 by GJ Munster and RR Walsh. This book was banned in November 1980 after an Australian government injunction. The Australian High Court prevented newspaper from publishing the cable".

So much for press freedom, freedom to be given if you're reporting for the right side.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Pakatan's Newly Adopted Political Strategy

Anwar's old strategy to topple the government: Get 30 MPs to join Pakatan Rakyat, table a motion of no-confidence of Pak Lah and the ruling government. This strategy was shot down after their own 3 jumped ship in Perak, resulting in the political calamity we are witnessing till today. Technicalities and legalities aside, the whole episode was triggered by defaction from Pakatan.

Anwar's new strategy: Run by-elections till the general election, then blame the government for not accomplishing anything during its term.

Fairuz has been cleared by SPRM of any wrong doing, but the Penanti by-election is still on. What is Anwar up to? PAS was eyeing the seat even though PKR intended to field its own candidate. The seat comes with a bonus of becoming the next deputy chief minister. The power struggle continues within Pakatan Rakyat and within PAS.

Manoharan, a member of the racist group Hindraf, was detained in 2007 for inciting racial sentiment and demanding compensation from the UK government for deporting the Indians during colonization. He ran for election last year and won as Kota Alam Shah State Assemblymen. Because he is unable to service the rakyat from jail, he is contemplating to throw in the towel, thus setting the stage for another by-election.

BN has yet to decide whether to contest for the Penanti seat. Win or lose, the current state government in Penang would remain. Of course, Pakatan is taunting Barisan of being afraid to lose yet again, based on the recent by-elections at Permatang Pauh, Kuala Terengganu, Bukti Selambau and Bukit Gantang.

BN must maintain its course and ignore the child's play by the opposition. The people have decided in Mar 2008. The people have decided that BN would continue to run the Federal Government. The people also have decided that they would give Pakatan Rakyat a chance to run 5 states. Nothing more, nothing less. We don't have to be reminded everyday of that fact. The results from recent by-elections do not represent the aspiration of the entire nation.

Parliament must pass a law to discourage elected representatives from vacating their seats at their whim and fancy, lest we have the stomach to witness 5 more by-elections before the next general election.

Kota Alam Shah rep has mulled quitting

Monday, May 4, 2009

DAP for the Chinese and PAS for Ulama's only

KOTA BHARU 2 Mei - Sekarang bukan masa untuk Pas menukar kepimpinannya daripada ulama kepada golongan profesional.

Timbalan Pesuruhjaya III Pas Kelantan, Datuk Mohd. Amar Nik Abdullah berkata, dua jawatan tertinggi parti, Presiden dan Timbalan mesti disandang oleh ulama kerana mereka adalah pemimpin dalam menguruskan urusan harian 'kehidupan' Pas.

>> So what happened to the so-called democratic values that Anwar and Pakatan Rakyat have been preaching when PAS has declared that they are not ready for professionals to take over? Is PAS conveying the message that professionals do not have in-depth knowledge of the religion thus rendering them less capable of being leaders? What does religion have to do with running political parties? The tempo is similar with DAP's pseudo twin, which declared that Singapore is not ready for a non-Chinese Prime Minister.